Pak Choi Seed Growing Information
Brassica rapa var. Chinensis
Direct Seed: Sow seeds after danger of frost until early summer and again in late summer for fall production in most regions. Sow seed in the fall in the South. Soil temperature for germination is 45-75° F.
Transplant: Sow seed in trays in most regions early spring and late summer for transplant in 3-4 weeks. Can be sown in fall for transplanting into a tunnel or greenhouse for winter production in cold regions, or open field in the South.
Spacing: Seed and transplants 6” apart in rows that are 12-18” apart.
Growth needs: Water consistently, especially in warm weather to prevent bolting. Row cover can be used to protect against pests, like flea beetles. Grows best in cool weather.
Harvest: As soon as mature. Plants will bolt if left in the field past maturity.
Storage: Dunk in cool water after harvest and store in plastic to prevent wilt for about 1 week. Store at 36° F at 95% relative humidity.