Information on Planting & Growing Artichoke from Seeds
Cynara spp. Cool-season perennial
Transplant: Start artichoke seeds indoors 8-12 weeks before last frost date in cell trays, ¼” deep. Ideal soil temperature for germination is 70-75° F. Transplant into 4” pots as soon as there is good root structure. Transplant outdoors 6-12 weeks from seeding date, after last frost date. Plants need 10 days of cool weather (45-50° F) for buds to start form (vernalization).
Spacing: 24-36” apart in rows that are 30-48” apart.
Harvest: Once buds have developed, cut stem about 1.5” below bud.
Storage: Cool artichoke at or below 40° F as soon as possible. Stores in cooler at 32° F for up to 2 weeks.
Tavor Organic Artichoke Seeds
Starting at $7.20
Wonder F1 Organic Artichoke Seeds
Starting at $7.00