Approx asparagus seed count:15,000/lb.
Asparagus Seed Growing Information
Asparagus officinalis. Perennial
Transplant: Start asparagus seeds indoors in 2” cells. Plant 1 asparagus seed per cell at ¼” depth. Ideal soil temperature for germination is 70-85° F. Transplant outdoors in 12-14 weeks, after last frost date. Set into V furrows, filling in as asparagus plants grow.
Spacing: Plant seeds 8-12” apart in rows that are 36-60” apart.
Growth needs: Deeply dug beds with lots of organic matter.
Harvest: Possible small harvest in spring of year after planting. Harvest asparagus when spears are 6-10” tall by cutting 1 inch below the soil. Leave small spears to grow into ferns to ensure yearly production.
Storage: Store asparagus spears upright in cooler for up to 2 weeks.